Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Plague Thieves

The Plague Thieves

Let's create a story! We will use Rory's Story Cubes to help us out! If you'd like to use Rory's Story Cubes to help you get started on your own stories, follow the link to I feel like I didn't resolve this video in the best way... like I kinda just glossed over the end... maybe all storytellers run into that but I will be posting a poetic ending to this story on my website: This is a video series I wanted to make but I was never sure how, I am still not sure but I do want to go forward with it. I pre-recorded a few episodes with the hopes of starting the series last year but I suppose I just became too comfortable and paid no mind to videos or this channel. It doesn't help that I have just about no faith in my ability to make a video series. I have done several in my time and few of them have yielded many views. Yet, ever the optimist, I continue forward with this and I plan to do this for at least a year on a weekly basis. It may not always be creating a story with the Story Cubes... I have many ideas and if you decide to join me I would be excited for you to join me on this journey! I do like creating stories, characters and worlds in general and my goal is to create fun and entertaining content that creates a spark in the mind! Thank you for watching this episode! I encourage you to LIKE this video, leave a COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE to my channel to see more! Take care and wherever your journeys take you, be it online or in life, always carry the best stories with you!